It sounds like the creator will have much more help this time around, including interestingly the modder who was originally planning their own GoT total conversion mod for Bannerlord in Mount & Blade: Westeros. This is, as you might have guessed, a total conversion mod that aims to bring the Lord of the Rings universe into Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord as detailed below. Unlike its predecessors, Bannerlord was created with modders in mind, so there are already more than 2000 mods available to sort through. (Its not the absolute best rig in the world but it runs Bannerlord pretty well). Total War: 10 Best Total Conversion & Overhaul Mods. Install a launcher that allows for you to change the load order, if you dont, it will crash. 2, Then Move Both "Modules" and "Music" folders to your Bannerlord folder, When asked to overwrite, select YES. Verify your steam files before and after installation to avoid traces of other mods being left behind. throws us into the middle of the conflict between the North and the Lannisters. Looking for roles, 3D, scripting, writers. Looking for mod testers in the next week or so to test a Bannerlord total conversion mod.

A new government has emerged, the Prime Prestonian Federation and Preston Garvey is the president.